Pet Microchipping
Microchipping saves lives! 1 in 3 pets go missing during their lifetime, and without proper ID, 90% never return home. To give your pet the protection of permanent identification, we recommend the Home Again Microchip.
Pet Microchipping
A microchip is about the size of a grain of rice that is implanted under your pet’s skin between their shoulder blades. The process only takes a few seconds and is very similar to a routine shot. We then register your contact information with a national pet recovery database.
Today, more than 6.5 million pets are enrolled with Home Again. They are responsible for reuniting more than 600,000 lost pets with their owners.
A pet microchip creates a forever bond between you and the pet you love. A HomeAgain microchip with enrollment will give your pet the best chance of coming back home to you.
Call us today for further information or to schedule your pet’s appointment.

Pet Microchipping in Concord, OH
Microchips have helped reunite thousands of pets with their families. At Big Creek Veterinary Hospital we use HomeAgain microchips. These chips permanently identify your pet and link your pet to Big Creek and to your home address in a national computer registry. The HomeAgain company offers programs that will send out an “Amber Alert”-like message to area veterinary hospitals and shelters if your pet disappears.
If your pet has a different brand of microchip. HomeAgain can register your pet’s existing microchip and you can access all of the benefits of HomeAgain’s services. Please click on the HomeAgain link on our website, or ask one of the Big Creek staff to answer any questions.